Clock Workshop Tips

A guide for Clock Workshop, our compass & clock tattoo flash reference.

Using the Maker’s Canvas:

  • Using the clockmakers canvas, choose the sets of parts you want and stamp them down.

  • Use the “Freehand” selection tool to select & paste, now you can pick the parts and drag them to the center square.

  • Cleanup around the boxes & repeat with new parts.

    TIP: These stamps are made at 5% size to fit the boxes.

Add Engraving:

  • Add the engraving you want for your watch or compass design.

  • Line up the engraving over the clock/ compass stamp.

  • Use the “Automatic” selection tool, select the outer/inner rim & face.

  • Switch back to the engraving layer

  • Erase excess engraving.

Alter Perspective:

  • Select and use the “Distort” tool to angle your design how you want.

  • Make a “Duplicate” of your designs.

  • Move the Duplicate layer into the desired location.

  • Now, clean up your design..

Render & Finalize Your Design:

  • Do a quick render on your design.

  • Select the inner/outer rim of the clock/compass using the “Automatic” Selection tool.

  • You can use the “Airbrushing Medium Brush” to shade. Shade the top and bottom moving right to left, for a more realistic appearance.

  • Select the middle of the watch with the “Automatic” Selection tool and shade the top.

  • Follow the same steps for the inner piece of the clock and airbrush from the bottom.

  • Now, lets shade the decorative elements, select the dial knobs using the selection methods mentioned in previous steps, Shade once moving up to the right & once moving to the bottom left.

  • Select the decorative handle on the dial knob and airbrush from the lower right, to top right, to top left, to lower left.

  • To add a glare on your watch/compass use white on the airbrush, and curve around the “glass” rim and on the dial knobs.

  • Now, your design should be mostly done other than a few adjustments here and there to make it perfect. We hope this instructional blog was helpful! Make sure to check out all of our educational content across the entire platform.


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